How to schedule a shutdown in Linux? - OSRadar

To schedule a script, you'll need to use crontab. You can add a schedule entry by doing: crontab -e Once you are inside, the cron accepts pattern in the form: So a correct crontab entry for 10am would be. 0 10 * * * /path/to/script Schedule Tasks on Linux Using Crontab | Jul 29, 2007 Schedule tasks in shell script - The UNIX and Linux Forums

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May 17, 2020 Scheduling tasks with Cron - Raspberry Pi Documentation documentation > linux > usage > cron Scheduling tasks with Cron. Cron is a tool for configuring scheduled tasks on Unix systems. It is used to schedule commands or scripts to run periodically and at fixed intervals. Tasks range from backing up the user's home folders every day at midnight, to logging CPU information every hour.

Schedule tasks in shell script - The UNIX and Linux Forums

How to schedule Jobs with Cron in Linux – The Geek Diary One option for doing this is to use cron. The cron daemon (/usr/sbin/cron) allows you to schedule jobs that will be carried out for you on a regular schedule. crontab File Syntax. The cron daemon is installed and activated by default on Linux systems. Once a minute it checks to see if any jobs have been defined for the current time.